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The very purpose of prayer in our daily lives is our way of communing with God. Just as friends and family members spend time talking with one another to deepen their relationships, so prayer deepens our relationship with God. We have the privilege of prayer because Jesus made a sacrifice for us – He bridges the gap between us and God. In the chaos and turmoil of today, prayer is an antidote or medicine to solve the anxiety that many experience. Philippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious for anything but through prayer, asking and giving Him thanks, let God know our request. So how do we pray? Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:9-13 through the Lord’s Prayer, to start by recognizing who God is, praising Him for who He is and asking Him to have His way in us and provide for our daily needs. We are to ask Him to forgive us of anything in our lives that is displeasing to Him and at the same time, we must forgive the people that have done wrong toward us. Secret Time with God is so important. Matthew 6:6 tells us that our Father, who sees us pray in secret, rewards us. Pray for one another. Galatians 6:2 tells us to bear one another’s burdens so that we may fulfill the law of Jesus Christ. Gathering together in prayer. When we gather together in Jesus’ name to pray, He is right there with us in the very core of our gathering, Matthew 18:20. We must have Faith when we pray, without it we cannot please God. We must believe He is God who rewards those who diligently seek Him, Hebrews 11:6 We pray In Jesus’ Name because He is the one who gives us free access to God the Father through the sacrifice He made to bridge the gap between us. May we never forget the importance of prayer and of how we pray,