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A lot of times during this season, this specific holiday, families will sit around the table, enjoying food and fellowship. Everyone at their holiday table will say what they’re thankful for. It’s really easy to say: your family, your job, your spouse, food on the table, a good church, and the love of the heavenly father. I think we should dig deeper. It’s easy to name off that checklist. All of those things sound really good but let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. What does that look like? I’m thankful for the train wreck, that God turned for his glory and it taught me a huge lesson. I am thankful for that difficult person at work, that charges me to love better. I’m thankful for the hardship, whether it be in finances or health. That hardship teaches me to not take for granted a single thing that I’m blessed with. I’m grateful for the losses, even though they sting even though it’s hurtful it taught me how to rely on our heavenly father. I’m thankful for my journey of being lost and then being found because my testimony will minister to someone someday. We should stop reciting the same old, same old at the Thanksgiving table this year and we should be thankful for the good the bad the ugly. Because ultimately it’s all a part of what God has for you. This idea of rejoicing and being thankful for the hard things reminds me of the cross. Yes, we were delivered. Yes, we were able to be saved. But Jesus had to go through some breaking, he had to go through some pain, he was in the midst of some ugly things. If not for him where would we be? If not for his sacrifice we would be hopeless. I can imagine that was a very hard day for Him but pain and all he still chose us. God is good in all of his Ways. And he is in the midst of everything so, when you break bread, this Thanksgiving, give thanks for the hard things, the uncomfortable things, and the ugly things. God took all of that and made it good according to his will and purpose for YOU