ATP31 Women’s Ministry is a ministry of HWWC for women, by women, and to women. Proverbs 31:30 states “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”. ATP31 Women’s ministry is aspiring to do just what this scripture says and what the previous passage of Proverbs 31 embodies.

A – Stands for Aspiring which means to direct one’s hopes or ambitions toward becoming a specified type of person.
T – Stands for To – Simply defined expressing motion in the direction of. We are moving towards which brings us to
P31, if you haven’t guessed it, stands for Proverbs 31, which contains the qualifications for a virtuous woman.

Our goal as ATP31 Women is to pattern our lives after the word of God by fulfilling our God-given role and calling as women. This ministry is open to any woman of HWWC, 18 years and older, and her friends who would like to go on this journey with us. We are seeking to minister to women the hope of God’s Word and that it is the only rule for our lives. We do this through equipping women for their role in this world with times of spiritual and practical training according to Titus 2:3. As a ministry, we are also here to provide help, in that we are empowering women to live victorious and productive lives through our service to other women, children, and the body of Christ. (1 John 5:4-6). Lastly, we are providing healing with times of refreshment and fellowship with other sisters in Christ through special services, events, and retreats. (2 Corinthians 8:4). ATP31 has events planned throughout the year that you do not want to miss.